Electric Avenue Festival - Hagley Park Christchurch


Select a category from the tabs below to see some of our most frequently asked questions and answers.


Where can I purchase ORIGINAL tickets?

All tickets for the 2025 Festival are SOLD OUT. The Flicket official resale platform is the only place to purchase genuine tickets. Details in the question below. Buyer beware – do not purchase from strangers or facebook groups purporting to have tickets for sale, and always ensure you purchase through Flicket.

How can I purchase RESALE tickets

Flicket is the only authorised resale platform for Electric Avenue Music Festival.

To list a ticket for resale:

You can either find a buyer yourself and transfer through your My Tickets page, or you can list your ticket for sale on the reseller marketplace.


  1. Log into your account on Flicket or select ‘access my tickets’ from your confirmation email
  2. Select view ticket on the ticket you wish to sell
  3. Select sell my ticket
  4. If you have a buyer you can enter their email address under “i have a buyer”, if you want to list your ticket for sale select “help me find a buyer”
  5. Read the Terms and Conditions
  6. Select list my ticket

**Your ticket is now listed for sale, if someone purchases the ticket you will receive a confirmation email of this as well as your refund**


To purchase a resale ticket

If there are resale tickets listed for sale, they will be available to purchase via the below link.


Do I need to print my tickets?

Electric Avenue is a sustainability-conscious festival. Please consider the environment before printing your tickets. If you do not have access to a mobile device, or you are concerned about reliability, we can scan from printed tickets.


If you are planning to come to the Festival with tickets on your device, please consider the following steps;

1. Make sure your phone is fully charged

2. Make sure you have downloaded your tickets (with the QR code fully visible) while you have access to Wifi or cellular data (DO NOT wait until you arrive as cell connectivity can be poor)

3. Ensure your mobile screen brightness is set to 100%

Can I pay in instalments (buy-now, pay-later)?

YES! This year we have teamed up with afterpay. Pay in four simple, fortnightly payments over six weeks. Make the first payment upfront and the remaining three payments every fortnight thereafter.

Always interest-free when you pay it in 4.

For more information about afterpay visit their website: www.afterpay.com

Can I purchase tickets at the gate?

No, Electric Avenue Music Festival is 100% sold out and there are NO GATE SALES.

How can I enquire about credit card payments, instalments, or other ticketing transactions?

Please contact the ticketing agent directly by emailing support@flicket.co.nz


Why is my ticket not appearing in my inbox?

You will receive a ticket confirmation shortly after the successful processing of your transaction. In some cases, it may take a few minutes to appear.

To prevent unauthorise resale and scams, we do not send your actual ticket with the QR Code displayed until 02 February 2025. You will receive notification that your event ticket is available at that time.

If your payment was successfully completed and the confirmation still hasn’t appeared in your Inbox, Junk or Spam folders, please email the tickeing agent directly at support@flicket.co.nz


I've purchased a ticket on viagogo, tixel, or another unauthorised platform. Can I verify if they are legitimate?

The only tickets we can guarantee are legitimate are those purchased directly from Flicket.

We can never guarantee the validity of a ticket that was purchased through a third-party platform, such as Tixel, Viagogo, Facebook or other marketplaces. Festival Tickets are non-transferable and any person carrying a ticket which is not in their name will be denied entry.

In some cases, the event may utilise an official resale service for the purpose of reselling tickets. Where this is used, the original tickets are cancelled and a new ticket will be issued in the name of the buyer. Any re-sale platform will only be activated once the Event is sold out and communicated to existing ticketholders at that time, though the Organiser makes no guarantee resales will be permitted now or in the future.

If you did not purchase your ticket using the Flicket platform, it is likely your ticket will not be honoured. The Organiser accepts no liability for any losses incurred as a result of the purchase of tickets from any unauthorised third-party, whether deliberate or unintentional.

I can no longer attend. can I resell my ticket?

Electric Avenue Tickets are non-transferable.

Please refer to resale instructions above. Resales close 24h before the Event Starts.


Resale of part of a Weekend Pass

Weekend passes cannot be resold in part (i.e. you cannot sell the Saturday portion of your ticket and retain the Friday portion. Once resales close, name changes are prohibited.

Can I change the name on my ticket?

You must link a name to your ticket at the time of purchase. The organiser makes no guarantee that name changes will be made available at any time. If, after the event sells out, the Organiser elects to allow name-changes or resale of tickets, details about the process for changing names will be advised at that time. This may or may not incur fees including a name-change fee, and any ticket handling fees imposed by the ticketing agent.

Can I transfer part of my Weekend Pass to another person?

No, transfer of part of any ticket is not permitted.

All tickets, whether single day or weekend passes, are non-transferable, and cannot be separated into single day passes. The only way to transfer EA 2025 tickets is by selling the whole ticket on the Flicket authorised resale platform. It is not possble to keep the Friday portion and transfer the Saturday portion (or vice versa).

Partial refunds for non-attendance on any part of a weekend pass are not available at any time.

Does the name on my ticket need to match my I.D.?

All ticket holders must carry valid Photo ID that matches the name printed on/registered to your ticket. Any person who presents at the Festival with a ticket which does not match their ID will be refused entry, and the ticket will be cancelled, without refund.

What is the difference between general admission ticket tiers?

The General Admission Tier reflects the time you have purchased your Electric Avenue ticket. We love to reward our early-purchasers with sweet ticket discounts, however all General Admission tiers (including pre-sale and earlybird tickets) receive exactly the same access to our great stages, music, bars, food vendors and attractions at the Festival!


Is Electric Avenue R18?

Yes, Electric Avenue is STRICTLY R18+. You must be 18 years or above on the respective day of entry (i.e. Friday 21 February 2025 and/or Saturday 22 February 2025).

Can I attend as a minor if I bring my parent or legal guardian?

No, all attendees must be 18 years of age. Minors cannot attend, even if they are supervised.

Can I bring my dependent child, toddler or infant?

No, the Festival is designated as a restricted area, meaning all attendees must be aged 18 years or above. The law does not permit infants, toddlers or other small children to attend, regardless of whether they are with a parent or guardian.

My 18th birthday is soon after the festival. Can I attend?

No, you must be 18 years of age on the day of the festival. You cannot attend.

What forms of I.D. are able to be accepted?

There are only three types of ID we can accept, all of which must be current and valid on the day of the Festival. They are:

  • NZ Photo Drivers’ Licence
  • NZ or International Passport
  • Kiwi Access Card (previously known as the ‘HANZ 18PLUS Card’)
How can I get a Kiwi Access Card?

The Kiwi Access Card (formerly known as the 18+Card) can be used as evidence of age and/or photographic identification in New Zealand. It costs approximately $55 incl. GST and NZ Post estimate it will take approximately 2 weeks from the application date to receive your KiwiAccess Card.

You can download an application from their website or pick up in-store from participating AA and NZPost locations.

What makes an I.D. "current and valid"?

A “valid ID” means any of the three government issued official identification documents that is recognised under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. These include;

  • NZ Photo Drivers’ Licence
  • NZ or International Passport
  • Kiwi Access Card (previously known as the ‘HANZ 18PLUS Card’)

A “current ID” is any “valid ID” that has not expired. Current ID’s have an expiration date that is later than 24 February 2024.

I have lost my approved I.D. What can I do?

You must have one of the three forms of approved ID to enter the festival. We cannot accept any other forms of ID whatsoever, so if there’s still time, apply for a new ID. You could;

1. Apply for an emergency passport (est. 3 Days for NZ Citizens)

2. Apply for a KiwiAccess Card (est. 2 Weeks)

It is the responsibilty of the ticketholder to ensure they have an approved Photo ID prior to the festival. No ID, No Entry, No Exceptions.

Can I use my birth certificate, firearms license, student I.D. or any other unapproved I.D.?

No. We can only accept the approved forms of ID as listed above. It’s a law thing, not our choice!

Does the name on my ticket need to match my I.D.?

All ticket holders must carry valid Photo ID that matches the name printed on/registered to your ticket. Any person who presents at the Festival with a ticket which does not match their ID will be refused entry, and the ticket will be cancelled, without refund.


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How can I Purchase VIP Tickets?

 VIP Experience tickets are SOLD OUT

We will not be releasing anymore VIP tickets, and VIP Upgrades are not available at any time.

What is included with a VIP experience ticket?

The VIP Experience package is amongst the most sought after festival experiences in the country. It includes:

  • Priority Entry through the dedicated VIP entry lanes
  • An expanded complimentary bar offering including Beer, Cider, Wine, Vodka RTD, Bourbon RTD, and non-alcoholic beverages. PLUS Check out the rotating bar, featuring Premium offerings such as Piper Heidsieck Champagne* and Scapegrace Cocktails*

*Rotating bar not available at all times. Check schedule board at bar for timings.

  • Unrivalled complimentary festival cuisine by the team at Superluxe to keep you fuelled all day
  • An exclusive indoor lounge area and outdoor courtyard to relax and unwind between sets
  • Luxury flushing loos
  • Hair & beauty touch-up stations for both Men and Women
  • Arcade games and other VIP-exclusive attractions
  • VIP-exclusive Coat & Bag Check, with complimentary phone charging
Can I purchase a VIP upgrade for an existing ticket?

Sorry, due to exceptionally high demand for VIP Passes, VIP Upgrades are not available, and will not be made available at any time.

Where is the VIP area located?

The VIP area is located in a shaded spot right between the Park Stage (the main stage) and the Hangar. You can come and go from the VIP area throughout the day.

Are there any limits on food and beverage in VIP?

Electric Avenue takes pride in being a responsible host.

While there are not any pre-determined limits on the consumption of food and beverages within the VIP area, all of our guests are subject to the Event’s policies regarding the responsible consumption of alcohol. No person is permitted to access alcohol or remain at the Festival if they are showing any signs of intoxication.

Intoxicated persons will be removed from the entire Festival, not just the VIP Area.

To ensure you last the distance, be sure to drink responsibly, consume plenty of food and stay hydrated with Free Water provided throughout the VIP Area.


Where is the festival located?

The Festival is held in North Hagley Park.

We recommend accessing the venue via the Kilmore Street or Park Terrace drop off zone. You can access this drop off area via Durham Street or Montreal Street. The entrance to the Festival is a short walk from the drop off zone near the Armagh Street Bridge. Click here to view on Google Maps.


Arriving by taxi or ride share app is the best way to get to the Festival, with the taxi and ride share drop off being very close to the Festival entrance.

We’ve already shared the drop off zone with all local operators – so simply ask to be taken to the Electric Avenue drop off zone at Kilmore Street.

The taxi and ride share area will be available at this area throughout the event for your safe transport home.

Arriving by Public Transport

Information about using public transport will be updated here soon.


Arriving by Private Vehicle


If you are considering driving to the Festival – we strongly suggest you don’t. Significant traffic easing measures are in place around the venue and some roads may be closed, there is also no parking near the festival and on street carparks have been removed on most adjacent streets.

If you are being dropped off at the event, we have two drop off areas. The Kilmore Street Drop Off area (closest to Festival entrance) and Park Terrace Drop Off Area. Expect trafffic delays during peak arrival and departure times – particularly on Friday with city school traffic and the evening rush hours. Details below.

1. DROP OFF ZONE @ Kilmore Street

This is the best drop off zone for private vehicles, being closest to the main entrance of the venue. The Drop Off Zone includes both sides of Kilmore Street between Cranmer Square and Park Terrace

View on map


2. DROP OFF ZONE @ Park Terrace

This convenient drop off zone is located on Park Terrace for traffic travelling SOUTH (from Bealey) only. It is located alongside North Hagley Park, just past the Chester St West / Park Terrace intersection. The drop off zone is only available to vehicles travelling South. Please note this drop off will be closed during the evening and pickup vehciles must use the Kilmore Street collection point.

For your safety and that of other road users, please do not drop off on Harper Avenue.

Can I drive to electric avenue festival?

We do not recommend driving to the Festival. There are significant road closures, no-turning and no-parking restrictions. There is no official Festival Parking anywhere near the venue and many of the adjacent streets prohibit parking on the day of the Festival.

We also expect significant traffic delays around the Festival venue.

where can I park my vehicle?

We 100% recommend that you do NOT drive to the venue. There is no car parking available within Hagley Park, and much of the surrounding on-street carparks are closed during the Festival. Remaining street parking is time restricted and monitored closely on the day of the event.

Offenders can expect to be towed during this Event. particular along Armagh Street, Park Terrace and Rolleston Avenue. There are some nearby parking lots (Wilson’s and Council spaces) which are a good option for those with travelling with a Sober Driver who absolutely must have their vehicle.

If you park within a road closure zone, your vehicle will not be able to be moved until after midnight.

Can I ride an e-Scooter to the venue?

Of course you can – we just request that you park these clear of access ways in the signposted e-Scooter Parking areas.

We strongly recommend hiring a public e-Scooter. Personally owned e-Scooters are not permitted at the Festival and storing them outside the venue is strongly discouraged as we cannot guarantee the security of personal items. Leave them at home!



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What is a cashless venue?

As a cashless venue, we accept PayWave (including Apple Pay and Google Pay), EFTPOS, and most major Credit Cards. We do not accept cash anywhere at the Event.

By removing cash from our venues, we can improve the safety and security of our staff and customers and reduce the risk of theft that comes with transacting in cash.

Merch outlets, food vendors, amusement rides and other attractions are also Cashless.

What payment types can be used at the Festival?

We accept PayWave (including Apple Pay and Google Pay), EFTPOS, and most major Credit Cards.

We are a cashless venue, which means you cannot pay by cash at any of our bars, food vendors or merchandise outlets.

Where are digital payments accepted?

PayWave, EFTPOS and Credit Card payments are accepted at all Festival Bars, Merchandise outlets and Food Vendors. Note that some of our food vendor partners may accept Card Payments but not Credit / PayWave. Please ask food vendors prior to ordering.

Are my payment details linked to my wristband?

We are not using any form of wristband payment technology at this Festival. Simply use your normal payment card (EFTPOS/ Credit) or mobile device at the cashier.

Are there any fees for transacting?

As you do not need to top up or redeem any refunds, there are no fees for using your own EFTPOS / debit card.

We reserve the right to charge a surcharge on Credit Card and PayWave transactions – these fees will be in line with the fees charged by the bank to facilitate the transaction. Any fees will be clearly displayed at the Point of Sale, if charged.


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What are the conditions of entry?

Check out the full Electric Avenue Conditions of Entry HERE.

Can I bring a small personal bag in to the festival?

Yes, provided your small personal bag is no bigger than 30cm x 30cm x 30cm in size. We recommend bringing a single-pocket bum bag to hold essential items only. We recommend bringing transparent bags if possible, to speed up your bag check process.

Can I bring a large duffle bag, backpack, or rucksack into the festival?

Large bags greater than 30cm x 30cm x 30cm in size are strictly prohibited.

What items are prohibited to be brought in to the festival?

You must not bring into the venue any of the Prohibited items below, without limitation:

  • Food and drink of any kind, whether store-bought or home-made;
  • Water bottles or flasks made of (or containing) glass or metal, or exceeding 1L in volume (empty bottles made of plastic and with a volume not exceeding 1L are strongly encouraged);
  • alcohol;
  • illicit drugs;
  • knives;
  • weapons;
  • fireworks;
  • explosives;
  • glass;
  • cans;
  • bottles;
  • portable BBQs;
  • compressed gas containers;
  • fires or open flames of any kind;
  • political, religious, offensive or race-related banners, signs, slogans or materials;
  • flares;
  • air horns, sound amplifiers or loudhailers;
  • toy guns or water pistols;
  • smoke bombs
  • Flag sticks made of metal or wood, or which are greater than 1m in length (plastic flag poles not exceeding 1m in length and not containing offensive or prohibited messages are permitted);
  • commercial standard recording devices;
  • drones;
  • dogs or other pets;
  • laser pointers;
  • skateboards, roller blades, scooters or bicycles;
  • or items that may interfere with the enjoyment, comfort or safety of other
    persons or security at the Venue.

Mobility or Health exemptions

If you have any medical or mobility equipment necessary for your health that may otherwise be considered a Prohibited Item, such as prescription medication or medical devices, please contact info@teamevent.co.nz for prior approval. Approval cannot be granted on the day. Wheelchairs, crutches, walker frames/sticks, knee scooters and other stability aids are automatically approved.

Prescription Medications

Most prescription medications are prohibited. In some rare cases, medications may be approved where the ticketholder can demonstrate that their prescription directs them to take the medication during the hours they would be at the festival (or could reasonably be required during that time).

The medication must:

  • Be in its original packaging
  • Contain only the quantity of medication that the patron would expect to require during the operational hours of the festival.
  • Contain a pharmacy-issued prescription medication label which contains:
    • The name of the patient (which must match the name on your Photo ID)
    • The name of the prescribing Doctor
    • The name of the dispensing pharmacy
    • The name of the medication
    • The frequency and dosage



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Check out the food vendor village here

what food vendors will be trading at the festival?

Check out your food vendor village here.

Do you cater to dietary requirements and allergies?

We have dozens of food vendors operating at the Festival, most of whom cater to a diverse range of dietary requirements, preferences and allergies. We also have specialist GF, DF, Vegetarian and Vegan food vendors so all of our guests can rest assured there’s something at the festival for them.

I have allergies or other specific food requirement - what are my options?

Please contact our accessibility team by email to info@teamevent.co.nz or use the webform from the navigation menu at the top of this page.


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does Electric avenue cater for cater for persons with access needs?

Electric Avenue is committed to ensuring persons of all abilities are able to enjoy our 2-day festival in the heart of Christchurch city. The Festival’s location within the CBD means persons with particular access needs are able to access our festival with some planning and enjoy live music, food and beverages amongst a world class festival setting.

Electric Avenue is however located within an outdoor, green-space venue. Some high needs patrons may wish to consider bringing a carer, or making plans in advance to ensure they can enjoy all this Event has to offer. Hagley Park is a reasonably flat venue, however the Festival is spread across a significant area and there may be the need to travel significant distances to see some acts, attractions and stages. There may be some uneven surfaces and moderate terrain (tree roots, uneven pathways, buried sprinkler heads and pot holes in the grass fields) to navigate while within the venue.

Our team are passionate about making your day as enjoyable as possible, so if there’s anything we can do to assist you in your access needs, please contact our accessibility team by email to info@teamevent.co.nz

are there any accessible parking options?

There is a dedicated festival accessible parking area located within the first bay of the Botanic Gardens Carpark. Please note, this area is accessible by permit holders only. The walk to the Festival entrance is approximately 250m and may require some assistance for users with significant access needs (speed humps along the access route).

Finding the mobility carpark area

The armagh street bridge is closed to all vehicles on event day. Please use the Riccarton Avenue entrance to the Botanic Gardens carpark area. You will need to present your mobility parking permit to marshals to access this entrance.

If you would like more detailed instructions/maps – please contact info@teamevent.co.nz

Other on street options may be suitable but can be time restricted and require traveling a significant distance to the entrance. We do not recommend leaving vehicles on the closest adjacent streets due to significant traffic management – particularly during the later stages of the event.

where is the accessible entry to the venue?

Wheelchair users may access the mobility entry area – on the far right hand side of the main entrance.

what accessible toilet facilities are available?

Separated mobility toilet facilities are located near the middle of both Public Toilet blocks.

Do not enter the gendered entrances (Male/Female) – instead head toward the Exit only signs, beside which is a sign indicating the location of the accessible toilets.

These toilets are guarded by a member of our security team at all times, to ensure they’re available to those with mobility needs. Please dont be offended if our team requests some information from you prior to entering. We just wish for these facilities to remain available to those who need them. We’re familiar with the Sunflower lanyard for those with less visible disabilities.

If you require assistance accessing or finding these toilet facilities, please speak to a member of our team.

are there any accessible viewing platforms?

The Park Stage and Hangar Stage each have a dedicated viewing platform for persons with access needs. These platforms are monitored at all times and are accessible to wheelchair users and (where space is available) those with other forms of limited mobility. This may include wheelchair users, or persons unable to stand for extended periods of time. Chairs are available on the platform for use on request. The platform is accessed via a gently sloping ramp. If you have high access needs, please see one of our team members for assistance in accessing this space.

If you are not a wheelchair user, our Security staff may request a little information from you to ascertain your need to use this space – we mean no offence, we just wish for these facilities to be available to those who need it most. Please support these efforts by letting our team know a little about your needs when you arrive at the platform entry.

Persons with access needs are permitted to bring up to one (1) carer or companion with them onto the viewing platform. Please note that during periods of high demand we may request that those who are not dependant upon their companion make room for others with access needs. Your companion will be able to stand nearby/immediately in front of the platform.

What accessible concessions are available?

We’ve put in place a couple of simple measures to help ensure that all customers are able to access bar, food and merchandise outlets and other activities across the temporary event venue.


Our bar queue lanes can be as narrow as 600mm in some cases. For this reason, patrons with additional access needs – particularly those in wheelchairs – are encouraged speak to security guards at the entrance to each bar queue, who will usher them through the wider exit queues. While we appreciate this might be less desirable than queues which were designed to be accessible, the big benefit is you will get to skip the queue!


This might prove a little more challenging for those which significant access needs – the vast majority of our food vendors operate from Food Trucks and caravans which by their nature may be out of reach for some of our guests. There are some lower, gazebo style food offerings which might be easier for some guests to access, however our vendors are experienced hosts and we are confident they will go out of their way to make your dining experience as easy as possible.


The official event merchandise stand, located immediately in front of the main entrance, is an accessible outlet – this is an open marquee on flat ground with low service tables that we hope will make shopping for official event merchandise and items from your favourite artists as easy as possible.

There are a number of other outlets across the site, with a broad range of products and services that can be accessed by persons of all abilities. Details of these will be shared closer to the time.

Carnival rides will also be operating on site, however some of these rides may be particularly difficult to access for wheelchair users or those with other significant access needs. The exact selection of rides has not yet been confirmed, details will be shared closer to the Event.  Please speak to the operator on the day if you wish to use these.

Am I able to bring a carer?

In most cases, companions will require a ticket to enter the Festival.

We appreciate that some of our guests may require significant support in order to attend and enjoy all that this Festival has to offer. In these cases, we are able to provide up to 1 complimentary carer ticket.

To arrange for a carer to attend with you, please simply email our customer experience team outlining your need for a carer to be with you at this event. You will need to check-in via the Info Kiosk, located to the right of the main entrance. Carers are unable to enter via the main entrance.

where can I find information about other access considerations?

We appreciate you may have specific needs that we have not addressed above. If you’d like to reach out to our customer experience team, please send us an email outlining your requests/specific needs to info@teamevent.co.nz and we’ll do our best to assist wherever possible.


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Official Electric Avenue Merchandise will be available soon. The Items below are examples of the products that were available last year for pre-order and purchase on the day.

OFFICIAL EA 2023 Tee (Mens XS – XXL, Womens 8 – 16)

OFFICIAL EA 2023 Barnard Tank Top (Unisex XS – XXL)

OFFICIAL EA Bucket Hat (Unisex, OSFA)

Check back here as we continue to add to our available official merchandise.

Merchandise stock is strictly limited so we cannot guarantee availability of your preferred size or style unless we receive your pre-order by 01 Feb 2023.

What official merchandise is available?

Official Electric Avenue Merchandise is only available for sale at the Festival Merchandise Store. The Items below will be available while stocks last.


Official EA 2025 Tee $45

Available in:

  • Mens (S, M, L, XL, 2XL)
  • Womens (XS, S, M, L, XL)

Official EA 2025 Barnard Tank Top $45

Available in:

  • Unisex (S, M, L, XL)


Official EA 2025 Pullover Hoodie $90

Available in:

  • Unisex (S, M, L, XL)

Official EA 2025 Bucket Hat $40

Available in:

  • One size fits most
What Artist Merch Will be available?

Official Artist Merch varies widely, and may not be known until the artist arrives at the venue. For this reason, artist merchandise cannot be pre-ordered.

The best way to find your favourite artists new vinyl, signed poster or band shirt is to visit the on-site Official Merchandise stand located immediately in front of the main entrance.

Can I purchase Merchandise at the Event?

Absolutely! You can purchase any of our official event or artist merchandise items using EFTPOS, Debit Card, Credit Card or PayWave.

Merchandise stock is strictly limited.


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Our full lineup is dropping soon. It will be prominent on our homepage here.

what artists are performing at the festival?

Our full lineup has dropped! You can view the 2025 lineup here.

What stages are the artists performing on?

Artists will be playing across 5 stages. View the festival map here.

To help plan your Electric Avenue experience, also check out the set times.

Where can I find the Set Times?

You can view the set times here.


Will there be any further artist announcements?

The 2025 lineup is now complete. There are no further announcements.

Can I join the 2025 Lineup?

Bookings for the 2025 Festival are now complete and we are not seeking any further acts.

To register your interest for 2026, please use the contact us form in the navigation menu.



Our full lineup is dropping soon. It will be prominent on our homepage here.

when the does the event start and end?


  • Gates open 2.00pm
  • Gates close at 9.00pm
  • Event ends 10.30pm


  • Gates open 1.30pm
  • Gates close at 9.00pm
  • Event ends 11.15pm
when do gates open?

Gates open at 2.00pm Friday and at 1.30pm on Saturday.

when do gates close?

Gates close at 9.00pm – you must be inside the festival prior to this time.

does the name on my ticket have to match my i.d.?

Yes. EA2025 Tickets are named; your approved ID must match the name printed on your ticket.

am I able to leave the festival and return later?

No, tickets are valid for one single entry on each day for which they are issued.

Once you leave the festival that’s it. You won’t be allowed to re-enter the festival on the same day.

There are strictly no ‘pass outs.’

Single day tickets are valid for entry only on the day printed on the ticket. Substitutions are not permitted.

can I bring a sealed bottle of water in to the festival?

No, no food or drink is permitted. You may bring one empty plastic drinking water bottle, up to 1L in size. There are plenty of taps inside the venue to fill these up with. Glass, metal and other solid bottles will not be permitted.

Can i bring a bag in to the festival?

Small bags, bum bags and handbags up to 30cm x 30cm x 30cm are permitted inside the festival. Bags larger than the above size will not be permitted.

Speed up your entry by using a transparent bag!

Can i bring an umbrella or a parasol?

No, umbrellas, including parasols, sunshades, gazebos and other large temporary coverings are not permitted.

The forecast predicts rain or poor weather - what should I do?

Poor weather is part of the excitement of a live outdoor event. Make sure you check the forecast in advance, prepare with warm clothing and rain protection (Coats or Ponchos) but do not bring a heavy, bulky jacket which could slow down your entry to the venue.

Electric Avenue is an all-weather event, and sheltered cover is limited within this venue. Plan ahead to ensure you can enjoy the festival safely – preparedness is your friend.

Can you store my jacket until I get cold?

There is a coat check in VIP only. If you are attending in General Admission, we are unable to store coats or bags. Pack light and bring only what you absolutely need.

I'd like to perform at the festival - how do I apply?

We are not accepting artist applications at this time.

Can I apply to volunteer at EA?

We only accept volunteer registrations from registered community organisations, sports clubs or school groups. Individual volunteers are not required for this event.

Can I apply for paid roles at EA?

Please contact one of the following recruitment agencies for paid role enquiries on bars, gates and other roles.

  • Little John & Co
  • The Recruitment Network
  • The Catering Department
Can I apply for an internship with Team Event?

We are not currently accepting intern applications.

I own a drone (uav), can I fly it over the festival?

No, it is a criminal offence to operate UAV’s over the Festival venue. The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Christchurch City Council prohibit the use of drones over crowds of this size and over Public Spaces such as Hagley Park by un-licensed operators and without formal written Authority.

We strongly recommend avoiding the Hagley Park area on the day of the event.